Get the Drop Time of ORG Domains

Get the Drop Time of ORG Domains

Have you ever wondered what the exact drop time of a .ORG domain was? Did you know that finding the exact drop time for any currently registered .ORG domain is actually pretty quick and easy to do? Follow the instructions below and you can start viewing the exact drop times for ORG domains right now!

First off, you might be wondering what the advantages are to knowing a domains exact drop time. By knowing the exact time a domain drops you can have your drop catching software concentrate on that individual domain during the exact time it’s going to delete, increasing your odds of successfully catching the name.

This entire process comes down to a simple WhoIs query. But, not every WhoIs service out there will work. Follow the sample URLs below and look at the Expiration Date portion of the WhoIs record:
or lookup your own domain here:
.ORG Registry WhoIs

If you followed the first link you will notice it performed a WhoIs Lookup on the domain That displays the following:
Expiration Date:13-Jan-2016 00:12:14 UTC

As you notice, the exact drop time is listed (in UTC time) at the end of the expiration date. Keep in mind, the Expiration Date is not the exact date the domain will drop. However, once the domain expires and goes through the appropriate drop cycle, it will end up being deleted at this exact time on the day it’s scheduled for deletion.

- Domains - Drop Times - Expired - ORG -

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